Chocolate Polish Lop

To Enter Any Of Our Shows
4/30/2013 4:00:00 AM


1.  Decide which animal(s) you want to show :
 - groom the animal, cutting toe nails and cleaning ears, feet and underside if necessary.  If you are uncomfortable cutting the toe nails, ask someone to help you when you get to the show  (basically each animal should be clean and have a 'well groomed' appearance).

2.  Contact the Show Secretary with your entry on time:
This should include:   your name, full mailing address and phone number  & email address,  Breed of animal,
Then list in order of showing (depending on the breed) Senior Buck/Boar, Senior Doe/Sow, (Intermediate Buck/Boar,    Intermediate Doe/Sow),  Junior Buck/Boar, Junior Doe/Sow.
Colour/variety must be added for each exhibit.  Check your standard for information pertaining to your breed. If you don’t have a standard ask a friend or call one of your DRCBA directors.

3.  Arrive at the show at the appointed time:

Bring your animal(s) in a clean carrier that they will stay in all day.  A travel cage is fine.  Bring some of your own water and only a small amount of feed for your animal for the day.

4.  Pay your entry fee (and sometimes an exhibitor fee) . You will  then be given coop numbers for each animal which will include your exhibitor number and the individual coop number for each animal you have entered.

5.  Coop numbers must be written in a rabbit's right ear with a marker or written on a piece of sticky tape and placed on a cavies ear. This is their personal ID number and how animals are identified on the judges table.  Experienced breeders are always willing to help the novice out at their first show.  It helps to have coop numbers , sex and age of your exhibit attached to the top of its carrier for easy identification when your animals are called to the judges table and also upon returning.

6.   The Judging Order will be posted near or behind the judging table:  Bring animal to the table when your class is called and put in one of the judging boxes.   Each breed is judged by category (Senior Boars/Bucks, Senior Does/Sows, (Intermediate Boars/Bucks, Intermediate Does/Sows for larger rabbit breeds and cavies) Junior Boars/Bucks, Junior Does/Sows)  These categories will be announced at the appropriate time.  Listen for your breed and category, then bring your exhibit (animal) up to the table and place in one of the holding boxes.  You should not speak to the judge when you are doing this.  Speaking to the other exhibitors at the table is ok, just that the judge should not be made aware who owns which animal(s) by any of the exhibitors.

7.   Judge will go over each animal and select placement.  Judge will then give comments about each animal(s) and a clerk will record the animals placement.  You may also speak with the judge at a show re comments on your animal after the show is over or after the breed has been judged if there is time.

8.   Remove your animal from judging table when told to

9.   Take your animal back to its carrier

10.  If your animals place Best or Reserve of Breed, you will take your animal back up near end of show to compete again against all other Best and Reserve of Breed winners for the Best and Reserve in the Show.

11.   If your animal did not place best or reserve of breed, it will not be eligible to go back up to the table which means you are basically done for the day with that breed, but must wait till at least 5 to leave the Fair with your animal(s). When a show is not at a Fair, you may leave when your breed has been judged unless your exhibit is Best or Reserve of Breed – then you are obliged to remain for the Best in Show judging. This takes place at the end of the day when all the breeds have been judged.

Most often, Trophies/Rosettes are given out at the end of the show by the Show Secretary.

It sounds like a lot to do, but it really isn't.  Once you have been to one or two shows, you will understand better and see how much fun it is and meet a lot of other breeders.  You do not have to have a pedigreed animal, nor do you have to bring/show/or prove you have a pedigree.  The reason for a pedigree is for yourself as a breeder so you know you have a true line and can produce from there and supply an animal with a pedigree to any that you sell. It helps to have a Standard of perfection to know the accepted colours,  the weight limits, and other details pertaining to the breed of your choice. Remember, every exhibitor has had a first show.

So, for your entry to a show, it would read:  Example: 

John Smith,  11 rabbit Lane,  Meadowville, Ont.  Postal Code – phone # and email address


Mini Rex                                                                        

1 Blue Senior Buck                                                     
1 blue Senior Doe
1 Blue Senior Doe                                                     
1 Broken senior Doe                                                       
Holland Lop                                                                       
1  Solid Senior Buck                                                     
1  Broken Junior Doe
Smooth Coat
1 Parti Intermediate Sow
1 Roan Junior Boar
1 Red Junior Boar
1 Red Junior Sow                                                                                     




Dominion Rabbit and Cavy Breeders' Association (DR & CBA) © 2025